The current user’s data is being lost when navigating to a new page. I typically store the token with the current user, but upon navigating to another page, the token appears to be empty. This method has worked for years without issue, but now it’s happening in this app
any once experiencing this … only one of my apps is doing this
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I’m having something similar happening with an API connector. It’s not sending current user information to the API.
i found out the same way it’s the current user being lost on page change so api calls return unauthorized i have opened a ticket waiting response
I was chatting with the bot, but can’t seem to get anywhere never have turned in a ticket so I don’t really know how to do that
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it has to be something that Bubble changed since the first of the year because everything was working fine possibly something they changed yesterday or the day before
problem is it only happening in 1 out 5 apps we have hopefully others also notice and reach out
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I have the same issue and this is critical for my app that runs live and my users are not able to use it properly. I hope support takes care of this soon.
I am currently in contact with support to understand how to fix it. I will keep you posted.
Update: Support will investigate my ticket starting next Monday… I am really disappointed, I need to find a workaround that does not rely on a basic bubble functionality and implement it through all the application now. This is not acceptable for a bug caused by the platform itself.
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I was also told it would be Monday after spending most of the day yesterday chatting back and forth with very little communication on bubbles end. But at the end of their shift had them tell me the ticket was being sent to a specialist.
This is the first time something so simple have shut me down in several years.
Current user data is able to be seen in bubble on my app but when I try to send it to an api using the api connector is does not work. I’ve try to set the current users data as a state and then send it but that doesn’t work either. The only data that is sent is the data used to set up the api.
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My 2 cents on this: set a go to page with the token parameter and retrieve it from there. I know it’s not beatiful but it works.
it’s very bad i just sent a loom to them because the debugger does show that current user data is there but it’s not actually sent on api calls (also sent proof of ingested data from external server with empty data) so any condition to find if current user is empty does not work to initiate a workaround
I found an some what easy workaround.
Not sure if it’ll work for everybody’s use case but I do not store or use Bubble storage database. What I had to do was I kept everything the same in my app but when the user logged in I signed up a new user in the Bubble database that way I was able to access the current users data for the API calls. I did have to set up a condition, stating if the user was already signed up, don’t sign them up, which was kind of a pain in the butt, but I figured it out.
One thing I would like to figure out that I can’t seem to find a solution for is to be able to delete a user from the Bubble database completely. I’ve tried multiple things, but I can’t seem to get it to work.
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@josh give us some light on this i think its a very small amount of apps afected i have opned tickets and i habe been ignored
I figured out what is causing the issue. My reasoning was based on the input of this thread, so thanks a lot everyone!!!
Try to add an “opt-in to Cookies” action, after you do once it should work without any issues.
Can you give it a try and let me know if it works for you?
Edit 1
If some data are not available in the workflow or they disappear (like for me) check the privacy rules, they did not have any effect a week ago since no user is logged in but it is not the case anymore.
In my case I could access via workflow to the user data but some of these were not working (available on debug but not working on run). I changed the privacy rule and now the whole workflow runs.
Bubble just got back to me and gave me the same information. They said they made a change on January 3 something to do with the cookies. So I had to uncheck the do not set cookies on visitors by default.
very frustrating. I spent a long time three days trying to figure this out for one little check box.
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Stopping by to say hello so you know we have seen the topic.
Sounds like you are in touch with the support team, which is great.
The engineering team is also taking a look
thanks @luigi.grossi @ontherevenue I was banging my head with this for a couple of days… my flow is a bit more complex so I was looking all around.
super pissed off with bubble team for not notifying about this or test it thoroughly. @fede.bubble