Custom CSS for a sticky group inside a group

Hi, I’d like to have my right group (in a parent row group) become sticky when scrolling down.

This works fine when the group is not inside another group, but when I do place it inside another group, it breaks. Anyone an idea how to fix this?

I’m using the following code:

#stickyGroup {
top: 70px!important;
position: sticky!important;

Edit: I’d rather not use a floating group btw, I doesn’t allow the exact behavior I’m looking for. :slight_smile:

#float-top {
  position: -webkit-sticky !important;
  position: sticky !important;
  top: 0px !important;

This is what I use and it works in groups and reusable elements as well as inside of floating groups.

Doesn’t look like much a difference with yours.

You could also check out if you were inclined a paid plugin that allows you to float elements

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@boston85719 - Thank you for the fast response and for the code. It works perfectly! :smiley:

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