Custom HTML - Keep bubbles CSS?

Hello, so im currently trying to add some custom HTML code to my bubble page like:

<div id="doc" class="markdown-body container-fluid comment-enabled" data-hard-breaks="true"><h1 id="This-is-a-test-to-test-the-CSS" data-id="This-is-a-test-to-test-the-CSS"><span>This is a test to test the CSS</span></h1><p><span>Text is not the same as on bubble?</span></p><h2 id="what-can-do-do-to-fix-this" data-id="what-can-do-do-to-fix-this"><span>what can do do to fix this?</span></h2><p><span>Is there a easy way?</span></p><h3 id="Test" data-id="Test"><span>Test</span></h3><p><span>test</span></p><ul>
<li><span>Test 2</span></li>
<li><span>Test 3</span></li>

I know barely anything with CSS so it it hard to implement?

Thankful for any guidance.

Bumping this

Hi! You can easily do this using the HTML element in Bubble. Let me know if you are facing any issues though.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks for your comment. How would i go about going this? Thanks!

Not sure if I understand the issue you’re facing, sorry. What do you need help with?

I’m confused you said it was easy so i assumed you understood what i was trying to do?

I want the CSS that is when i use a text element to display as well in my HTML element where i write my own HTML.

Is there a way to add a piece of code in the begging of the block to get the css?

Still looking for help. no luck

Still looking for help. no luck

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