Dark Screen, Is there an easy way?

Before I spend hours figuring out how to redesign everything, if you could offer some free advice or tips, it would be greatly appreciated.

On my app, I turned off the dark mode, or thought I did.

I was with a client and I guess he has everything on his phone set for dark mode.

He brought up my site and to be frank, it looked like crap.

Is there a way to force it to stay the white design I have on the user end.

Or do I really need to dig in and redesign every page so it looks better in dark mode or is there an easier way?

Thanks for any tips.

What did you to turn off dark mode ? and how does your site look like on a PC ?

Can you share your site or editor to actually look at the means of dark/light mode?

If it’s in the styling, you can just make it light mode by standard.

There is a way to get the properties editor in “light mode” ? Or am I completely off topic ? It’s for me one of the most annoying part of bubble GUI… this blue on dark gray options with no contrast whatsoever.

You can force your app to stay in light mode by adding a simple CSS rule: :root { color-scheme: light; }. This ensures it ignores the user’s dark mode preference. However, redesigning for both modes is ideal long-term, as dark mode is widely used and expected these days. Start with small tweaks if you decide to support both!

I think I have it figured out. Thank you everyone for your suggestions.