Data structure into Repeating Groupe


I need help on a study case
I am developping Bubble API to connect to TimeTonic - French Nocode Database.
Everything is going well to collect data.
my problem is to structure datas into a Repeating Group ; datas are presented by Column instead on row.
I am unable to present datas by Rows ; can you help ?

Here are raw data from API call : Raw datas

TimeTonic - Table view

Result on Bubble

Instead of this presentation, I want this :

Row 1 : SAPPIA Thierry
Row 2 : DUPOND Pierre

To Modelise ; I’ve Got :

1- a Group

2- a RG

3- a Text zone

I am not able to structure data by Row with unique Name by Row (ex : Row1 - SAPPIA, row2 : DUPOND…)

Can you help please ?
Thanks a lot