Database help! New to Bubble

Trying to create an app that has a database of books. Is there a way to have AI generate that or would I need to manually add books? My example would be how Goodreads has all these book options, and then gives the user the ability to manually add their book if it’s not in the database. Not sure if I’m explaining this correctly. TIA!

Maybe you can use some API services like these.

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Now is that something that would need to be attached to a specific page or just in general? Sorry if it’s a dumb question, I just signed up for Bubble today and have never done anything like this. So far I’ve come up with the sign up/log in page.

I think these videos can give you a lot of answers about these things and even some additional insights.

I also recommend you watch this series for beginners.

Thank you so much, I really appreciate.

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