Date time picker generates time as 12am, but unusually it generated 11pm when saving one thing. Anyone ever seen this?
This has happened to me often. I have never figured out why but if I don’t need a specific time saved, I always change the hours, minutes and seconds to 0 to ensure the date is consistent.
Oh, thank you for sharing! I confess that I didn’t expected any response to this due to it being too specific.
That solves my case!
Glad I could be of help. Do you want to mark this as solved so that the thread can be closed?
This is could be due to daylight savings or timezone issue, +/- 1 hour
The native Bubble date/time picker uses the browser’s timezone when you choose a time so the result that’s saved could be wrong if DST is in effect and the browser has a different timezone
If it’s a big issue for your app we do have a private plugin that negates this issue