The date time picker has me bamboozled…
I have the following limitations I’d like to place on selection:
Time slots can’t be selected more than a week ahead (all works), but opening hours are 0800 to 1130… this just doesn’t seem to work when entered into min / max hour?
on the page:
but time selection:
help me to avoid going bald?
I feel like it has somehting to do with the current hour already being ahead of those selected? But I would then think that when I chose the next day that would reset the hours to allow 0800 to 1130
bro, you can only add hours in the format of 24h, cant do 1130 as not work, you can try 11.5
Another issue i found on setting the minimum date and maximum date is you are usieng current date/time → this will alwasy start form the time user is on it will make things bad in future.
what i suggest is round down to date then plus 7 days current date/time round down (day) + days7 → this way it start from the today begging excluding the hours if there any. it will be much helpfull
if you need more help do ping, i love helping out or getting correclty my self.
I think i understand the maximum date issue, thasnk for that!
On an aside: I am having issues trying to enter “figures” into expressions . like the number in +days 7 or particularly starting an expression with brackets etc…
Is there a keyboard trick I’m missing? - i mean there MUST be!