Hello! I am trying to search for bookings that are within a certain range. For my use case however I need to add one day to the check-in date and deduct one from the check out date. Both infos I gather from an URL parameter. For adding to the check-in date I used the +(days) operator. However, for the check-out date I am missing the exact same operator. Does anyone know how I can do this?
As an example: I send the range 1.4.2023 - 10.4.2023. In the end I want to search for bookings with the range 2.4.2023 - 9.4.2023
Hey @48587
Sometimes that happens. Bubble doesn’t let you do that. You might want to try adding parentheses, this might allow you to do what you want.
Hope that helps.
Also (if you are not willing to use experimental features cause Bubble can cancel them) you can use custom states or variables (in a pop up just to store them somewhere).
I’d recommend trying to break each desired date down into separate constraints. E.g.
First constraint: booking dates > date ranges start date + days 1
Second constraint: booking dates < date ranges end date + days - 1
Hope this helps.
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I will try this! thanks a lot