@heythere welcome to the party
@brenton.strine reason for 10px min or 20px min in height with nothing greater than 20px is not for drag and drop. It is so that a user can see that the element was actually placed onto the canvas, because with a height of 0px, well, the height is 0px and not visible, so will lead to confusion by a user as to whether or not the element is now actually on the canvas.
The reason for no more than 20px and likely 10px is a better maximum, is because of text elements. Sometimes a group is there just as a container of a text element, needed for design purposes, and it is not likely a text element font size is less than 10px, so the 10px group height will not negatively impact the spacing/design of the position of the text element.
Needs to be big enough for somebody to see it was dropped onto the canvas, but small enough that it doesn’t interfere with most developers typical design needs, and no checked defaults like fit width, especially on groups.
Width 10px min, no max no fit width
Height 10px min no max no fit height to content
Give us access via the styles tab to set the height and width so we can create our own styles
Give us a universal settings area where we can set the defaults for each element type individually