Defining User keys

I am stuck in the mind set of creating database tables and creating fields to define a key that defines the relationships between those tables.

Seems Bubble doesn’t work that way to define the user key. Should I be trying to use the Unique ID to define the relationship at all? I have tried to create a field called “Owner” and set the value to the current user’s unique ID when a new thing is created but It doesn’t seem like it’s possible to set a field’s value to a user ID.

Is see that “Current User” evaluates to the logged in user’s email. Is that the conventional way to create the user relationship in Bubble?

You should use a DB type for the field. For example, create a field of type “USER”. This is how you create relationship between tables. Don’t use 's unique id to set that, just stop at he thing (like Current user instead of Current user’s unique ID)

Thanks, I’ll go with that. Once I get further along, this will seem as simple as it is.

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