Delete and add a thing based on delete action

I have an issue.
I am building a button that will let the user do a certain workflow one more time.
The reason is, that sometimes there seems to be a problem with the API, which generates errors, so user require to have this button (later maybe we can automate this).

I have a workflow which deletes a thing and cleans other databases based on this thing elements but if I put in the same workflow a step, which creates a new thing based on the deleted things - they cannot get the date. I understood bubble stores the data during the workflow in “cache” so I can refer to a previous step, but I see now, it doesn’t work like that.

Is there a way I can delete thing and later create a new thing based on the details from the delete thing?

Hi, I can help you but I need to see the project to understand the problem and show the best practice. We can make a video meeting today. Then we can explain the problem and the solution to people having similar issues.