Unfortunately the app isn’t available in my country
Yeah, haven’t had any major issues with it. Older/smaller android devices seem to have an issue running the app, but majority of mainstream devices seem to be fine.
Looks very promising but expensive. Can anyone share like to their app store app built on bubble and wrapped using this so we can see performance in action.
Have you successfully used the gonative and onesignal push servive? I’ve tried to set up but have problem in connecting the supplied onesignal_user_token to bubble_user.
I haven’t integrated GoNative with One Signal. The last time I used GoNative was when they had a free option. I’ve been using Android Studio since.
Any update here? Would be interested to know as well. I’m trying to find a way to integrate push notifications into my bubble native app, it seems like go native + one signal is the way to go?
Raymond wrote:
I originally sent support a mail but they asked me to post the question on the forum because it’s a broad topic and others can benefit from it.
So, instead of answering the question, Support says to ask the question here. But then no one from support (as far as I can tell) chimes in, except Emmanuel, who comes to ask us for advice.
This is concerning.
We don’t support push notification at this stage.
how do i push the web app i built to the app store?
Check and see if this helps you out.
it says that page is private or not available.
well, copy and past this in the search and see if that one helps
New Video Course: Build an app like Uber/Postmates and submit it to the App Store!
Free tool: Bubble iOS code generator
@jbgray6 @proust007: the url was pasted twice, look at it closer.
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