"Display data in a group" --> sending no data (so it is reset) is counted as an error but works fine

So i need in my app to reset the data of a group sometimes, so I found a solution : “display data to a group” and then you live the “Data to display” field empty and it works very fine.
However Bubble views it as an error and says : "remember to fill data to display, but it works fine for me (I don’t want it to display anything, I want to reset it!)

So I’m concerned that it will impede me from publishing to live.
How can I fix such thing ? (or if you have any alternative to reset data in a group).
Thank you!

Hi there, @lucaspenanguer… try using the Element Actions >> Reset data option, and select the group as the element to reset.

Hope this helps.


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Hello thanks I thought the “reset a group” was not available but I mistook it for something else, thank you very much for your answer it was easy aha

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