Display list by user in repeating group

Hello everyone I have one last problem with my website that I would really like to fix quickly.

In this repeating group I would like to show all the appointments with the “utilisateur” connected.

When I put this in it only shows the last appointment

Is this a problem due to the workflow or the data?

Thanks a lot for your help

I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking here, but having checked your app and previewed it, there is no data at all showing in the RG, and that’s because in your database none of the Utilisateurs have any associated TopCal Bookings.

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Thank you for your reply

To quickly explain the functionality of this page, users are divided into two groups: simple and professional users who are called “utilisateurs”.
Only “utilisateurs” can access the Dashboard page. That’s why TopCal Booking is linked to the users so that only the current users can access their page

I don’t know if it’s the good idea.

Hey @dnadir23

@adamhholmes Completely right. There is no Utilisateur with linked any of TopCal Bookings. You should change your workflow to match utilisateur and the related topcal booking.

Fair enough, but as I said you don’t currently have any TopCal Bookings linked to any Utilisateurs in your database.

So you either need to set up workflows to link them, or you can change the data source of your RG to search for TopCal Bookings who are linked to the current user or whichever Utilisateur you’re referring to on the page.

Thank you I followed your advice but I still have a problem. I tried to link TopCal to Utilisateur but it doesn’t work.

Did I do something wrong ?

What’s not working?

when i saved a date no TopCal Booking is registered in Utilisateurs I don’t know why

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