Day/Week Schedule View

I’ve looked high and low and am not sure the best way to go about this, I’m looking at creating a view that would have time slots on the left column and users on the top, each user having their own column so they can see who is assigned what that day, something like this;

I was thinking maybe a repeating grid that would be looking at the appointments data file where the user is assigned to each appointment that has a start and end date, but my eyes are going cross eyed just trying to make it work. Any ideas?

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I, like most things, accidently figured it out.

What I ended up doing was created a repeating grid and set the users as the source. Then, added a calendar with day view only to that grid, and had it search the appointments file and added a constraint to only show the appointments assigned to that user and voila, we’re in business.

Now to make it look pretty.

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Hi there,
Interesting solution.
Would it be possible that I ask further questions about this?

Question about the ‘appointments file’ - where did you (or the groomers) insert that data so it would be displayed here?

I feel like I’m one step behind you here as I’m trying to first find a way to capture the existing reservations in my database (for renting spaces) before figuring out how to display it dynamically.

Any suggestions?

So how it works is,

The calendars are nested inside a repeating group. The Repeating Group’s Data Source is Users, and the Calendar’s Data Source is Appointments, and it’s doing a Search for Grooming Appointments where the Groomer=Repeating GroupsCurrentCell’AssignedGroomer (User), That way each calendar itself is only displaying the appointments assigned to that user. The repeating group works best in full list mode, otherwise you have to scroll each calendar individually, which looks awful as none of the time lots will line up at that point.

Repeating Group (Users) → Calendar (Appointments)

I have a page where an employee creates the appointment, they select the Groomer to be assigned to that appointment and it will display in the corresponding calendar.

I will say though, I did discover the Plugin AirCalendar, which allows you to have resources (in my case, Users), so it does the work for me, but it is a tad pricey and I do get random, unexplainable bugs from time to time. Nothing that has broke in live though.