Displaying User Data based off an earlier Pre-Selection

Hi Bubble!

I’m wanting to understand how the user can be presented with different data based on a pre-selection made earlier by another user in the same group. So to give the example;

When Company A admin registers their account, out of 1-10 categories we offer them to select, they pick 1,4,6.

When an employee of the same Company A then registers later, how can I display content in the form of Project Cards that are related to only those categories of 1,4,6 (not any of the other 10 categories)?

Then, when then another company (Company B) who has previously signed-up with different 1-10 goals, their employees will too see the different projects based on categories their admin selected (e.g. 4,6,9).

I hope this makes sense but let me know if not.

I’m not sure what type of functionality I need to be using. Just need a steer to whether this is possible and if so, what bubble features I need to get trying with!

Any help super appreciated! Thank you so much. Tom :slight_smile:

Hi gainly.word

So for the backend setup I would create the datatypes Company and Categories and Projects.
Each Company has a list of Categories. As does each Project (or each project just has one category, depending on your exact use-case).

When the Company A admin registers and picks Cat 1,4,6, (e.g. out of a repeating group showing all categories) these categories would be saved underneath Company A`s list of categories.

Now when an employee of Company A registers and adds that their Company is A
You would have a repeating group that displays Company As list of categories.

Or if you have one layer of complexity more and there are project cards. In a repeating group you would show only project cards whose category/categories are contained within the employees companys list of categories.

hope this makes sense.
let me know if you have any questions.

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