Does the bulk api respond in order?

I am making a bulk api request as per this documentation:
Data API requests | Bubble Docs

The response looks like this:
And there is one row for every object created in the payload

Does anyone know if the order of the objects in the response payload will ALWAYS match the order of the objects in the request payload?

I need to know if it ALWAYS matches, not if it should match.

Thanks in advance

It does not.

If the order is important, add another field which you can use for the same.

Ok thanks for the confirmation.

Quick follow up question though. How does populating another field help? If I have my request payload look like this:
{“name”: “test 1”, “order”: 1}
{“name”: “test 2”, “order”: 2}
{“name”: “test 3”, “order”: 3}

And then response is

How does the order field help me figure out the mapping? I know that I could query each of the objects and figure out the mapping that way, if that’s what you mean. But then I will have to make 1000’s of api calls as I am doing this for 1000’s of records every day.


The creation will happen irrespective of the order.

But you

The order field is for any actions or frontend sorting you want to have after the upload. It will not be returned in the Data API.

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Oh I see what you mean. Yah I’m doing all of this is a custom server side action and need to know which unique id returned from the bulk api applies to which one in my request body. Seems like the only way to know is to query each one inside the SSA.

Thanks again for your help.

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