I have 2 fields. The first field is a drop-down with dynamic values and the second is a text input field. When the dropdown field is sele
cted, I also need the second field to change values.
Like in the image shared, when the value in the drop-down option is OT01, I need the text input field to show Domain Registration.
As @boston85719 said, you need to put datatype as your dropdown source, with Product Code as option caption.
In initial content of your input, put dropdown’s value’s Product Description.
It will work, until the user change once manually the value in the input.
Once the user change the input value, initial content of the input is not taken into account anymore. So if user select OT01, then change the input value, and after that select BW14, the input value will not change.
So if your idea is to be able to edit the product description of the datatype, il will not work as if the user change the input once, the input will be stuck, even if dropdown value is changed again.
For the input value to be “linked” to initial content again after change, you need to reset input on workflow.
So you should create a workflow on dropdown value change that reset the input. For forcing the input reset, ad an “only when input is empty or input is not empty” to the reset input card.
This way, everytime a new value is selected form the dropdown, input come back to his inital value, which is the dropdown current selected value.