Hi !
I’m trying to send a bearer token dynamically in my workflow to an Api call using Bubble API Connector plugin. Here is how i am trying to achieve that :
auth_token is written during the user login process.
Get Cookies step fills Cookies element’s Values property. I retrieve the auth_token value like this :
I am pretty sure this step works correctly, please refer to following screenshots :
I add a step to show the bearer token in an alert to verifiy if the step Get Cookies works correctly:
and the auth_token cookie’s value correctly show up in the alert.
Let me know if you need further informations, or if i am missing something.
Is it possible for the call api to take place before the cookie retrieval (which is linked to a page element) even if the call api step is after the cookie retrieval step?
I didn’t !
And it works.
Thank you for helping me to understand how it works
I finally created a custom state on the Cookies element which trigger the Auth Backend workflow when it becomes yes.
I switch it to yes after the Get Cookies step has been executed.