Dynamic event color in Calendar

Hello everyone,
I am struggling with the colors of the events when using the calendar widget.

Here is my issue:
On my website, users can create events, and can also join other users’ events.
Moreover, an event has multiples states like finished, draft, ongoing, etc.

I would like to display a calendar where are all the events a user created AND all the events a user joined.
Then for each event, I would like to display it in different colors depending on several cases:

  • Ongoing & the user is the creator: blue
  • Ongoing & the user is NOT the creator (i.e the user joined it) : green
  • Finished (all cases): red
  • Draft : yellow

Thus the event color also depends on which user is viewing the event, which prevent storing a color in an additional field and use the ‘dynamic color’ option of the calendar.
Is there a way to achieve that?

Thank you !

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