it seems like your problem is with capturing the data entered in the input fields and that could be caused by 1 of 2 problems:
you don’t have the action set up correctly to update the variant or option name when the respective input field’s value changes.
there is a problem with the data sources in the nested groups in your UI. If this is the case the information you capture is not linked to the correct product/variant in the DB.
Moreover, In dynamically adding or decreasing the elements (add/delete variants and options) I decided to use custom states and list of numbers as the data source and alter the number through an action as stated here :
I decided it would be good to keep the DB clean without using data types such as “elements” and capture the data from the inputs using BDK.
Hi @hanan1 Great video tutorial. I’m also trying to do something similar. I was wondering if you could share the working demo with me? the demo link above seems to have a permission restriction on it.