[Early access beta] New expression composer for more intuitive logic!

I’d like to do this calculation, is it possible now?
I can’t seems to make it work

( (numbA - numbB) / C ) : modulo D

Exactly my experience. Each time the bubble releases page mentions a performance upgrade to this feature, I turn it on, try it for a while and then turn it back off as it becomes slow and glitchy quickly.

I am trying to delete the first part of this expression (Body’s verify is yes) while keeping the subsequent items. But it doesn’t look like it’s possible…


ANother bug, when typing a name of a checkbox, you need to reposition the cursor after E v e r y letter you type. That alone is annoying enough to turn it right off. Screen Recording 2023-09-11...

I’ve used this for 10 minutes, here are the issues I found so far. How on earth did Bubble let all of these get through… No, I haven’t submitted bug reports for every single one of these issues because that’s not my job.

Enabled it in an app for the first time, the red ‘click’ should not be displayed here because the text is perfectly valid.

Why is each data field so damn huge?:

I don’t know quite why, but clicking outside of the expression or switching to another action didn’t make the orange text blue;

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 11.38.17

Why are there two different UI designs for the same inline button ?

Why do I have to click ‘More’ twice to get the dropdown? I don’t want once for the cursor and once to get the dropdown, I want ‘More’ which is what the button says.

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 11.41.02

This expression overflows from the container. After I hover it, the ‘Add dynamic data button’ no longer works unless you click the bottom of that text (presumably because the expression container is blocking the click - you can see the behaviour from my mouse switching from the hand to the line thingy):

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 11.43.00

The brackets are not aligned with the underlines:

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 11.45.18@2x

Why are you telling me to press for dynamic data? Is the ‘add dynamic data’ button not enough? Pick one and don’t clutter the input area. Either use the / to enter dynamic data app wide or just use the button. Maybe keep / as a power user feature, not something shoved down everyone’s throats every time they try and send an email.

Don’t show ‘more’ if the dropdown is going to be empty because it leads to a scenario where new users are just like ‘okay, this isn’t working… what now?’

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 11.48.48

It’s hard to see but I’m holding/pressing backspace, and the expression won’t delete. I click more and the blue cursor shows but nothing else shows and I can’t press backspace to delete the Current user’s first name expression when that cursor is visible.

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 11.50.53


Also, a feature suggestion which would be so incredibly nice to have:

Current user’s P is (Q or R or S )

As an alternative to

Current user’s P is Q or Current user’s P is R or Current user’s P is S.


This would be amazing because it would cut down a lot of wasted time writing these expressions and it will also make it easier to read and debug.


My expressions usually are very huge because of this. Having to check many possible contents to a variable is time consuming and turns the expression confuse.

I have been experiencing this same issue on and off even when the experimental feature was not ticked.

Could be a very poor attempt at A/B testing :joy: I don’t believe Bubble has a qualified UI/UX designer with platform designing experience. The recent dashboard redesign was done by a no-coder in their team (no hate or no complaints with that), but that sort of shows where Bubble is at with UI/UX of the platform.

Like you I haven’t bothered filing multiple bug reports because there is no way Bubble should be shipping these even on experimental status with the amount of bugs they have.

Too slow

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They spent more time on this fancy toggle than the expression composer itself :laughing:

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 19.57.08


Clicking on the Search window or the relevant element used to save the expression (turning yellow to blue) but now it stays orange no matter where I click unless I click outside of the expression from the ‘more’ dropdown.

CleanShot 2023-09-12 at 20.00.31

Guys appreciate the teams work, however I got anxious looking at comments, please don’t make it live before really diligent feedback period.I don’t want my editor to crash again and restart that whole bug report phase.


Yep same here - hugely slow after turning it on.

Hey all,

Starting yesterday (September 12th), any time you open a composer window, you’ll see a toggle that will allow you to more easily turn the beta composer on or off, rather than having to navigate to the Beta Features page in your Settings. The first time you turn on the toggle, you’ll receive a popup explaining the features of the beta composer, with links to documentation and an educational video.

If you already have the experimental feature on, this toggle will automatically be turned on in your editor. We hope that this UI makes it easier for you to test out the beta composer! :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, we also wanted to respond to the feedback you’ve submitted in this thread. Since this is a beta, we do expect that you may encounter bugs. Please report any bugs you find through the “Submit bug” link since that will help us most efficiently address them.

For all the bugs that have been reported, we will be resolving them before we officially release the composer post-beta. In addition, we’ll include an update at the top of this forum post once each bug is resolved. For any other feedback, we encourage you to use the “Submit feedback” button on the experimental feature, so your ideas can all be collected in an organized manner, allowing us to easily consider them for follow-up work.


amazing thank you :star_struck:

Hey Grace, is there any way to see which bugs have been reported already? Spent some time to report one last week and Support already knew about it. Kind of a waste of everyone’s time.

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Good point! Just added a section on “Upcoming fixes” to the top of this post :smiley:

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Hi @grace.hong , I’ve been trying the new composer and much of the new functionality is very welcome. As a visually impaired person I just can’t get on with the new marks as opposed to the parenthesis in the last experimental feature. The new ones are just so small, and even when highlighted it’s a struggle to see others with a similar colour etc without some major use of the screen magnifier. Also as the Property Editor can’t be changed in size and the expression composer can’t be opened in a bigger window it makes this all super challenging to me.

Please keep the parenthesis or at least have an option for parenthesis or the new mini marks!!


Haha this was a nice summary of how scary it is to use the new composer. Just by looking at this makes me want to stay far far away!

I actually turned on the beta for the first time to try deleting the first part of a dynamic expression, found out it wasn’t possible, and turned it back off.