Editable Data Table like Excel - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Just throwing this out there. It looks like the fields you’ve listed aren’t in your table. Make sure they are and that they’re exactly as named in the table (case-sensitive).

Edit: And as I look a little closer, I see your Thing name and your fields and they look right to me. Sorry!

@richard6 we’ll need access to your app and step by step how to reproduce the issue. Please add maxim@bubblewits.com and provide details

Hi there
maxim added.
I’ve put the grid on the page called admin_system
When you preview the page, the second tab, VAT rates has a blank space where there should be a grid. Navigate to it and it should appear, but at the moment it is blank.

Here is the elements tree for the page, with the grid shown on it.

Let me know if there’s anything else I can try

Hi @levon let me know if there’s anything else I can do. If you could manage my expectation on this it would be super.

Richard, please bear with us while we are working on this. I’ll update here soon

@richard6 the issue was that you didn’t set a data type.
We also updated a plugin with some improvements to support data types which have spaces in their names. Please install plugin’s latest version and give it another try

We have just pushed an update that now supports fields which are a data type of another thing
For columns which are another data type you can indicate the data type and column from that data type that should be used in the grid using this syntaxis field1:datatype:field2, where field1 is from current data type, datatype is the linked table, and field2 is the field from the linked table that will be referenced



Tried the plugin but couldn’t get it working. Had a look at the demo but it’s a simple example. Had a look around for documentation and read a number of posts on your forum but couldn’t figure it out so uninstalled.

I am sure it could be a great plugin but it needs better documentation or more time available to spend going back and forth on your support forum to get it working.

Just my 2 pence, enjoying lots of your other plugins so :slight_smile:


Hey Simon,
sorry it wasn’t easy :pleading_face:
did you check and implement these instructions?
Go to your app settings http://prntscr.com/inntef .
Go to API tab and enable option “This app exposes a Data API” http://prntscr.com/inntz1 .
Choose a data table which you’ll use in Editable Grid.
Go to Data > Privacy and choose fields which will be displayed in your grid http://prntscr.com/innwlr .
Go to Editable Grid settings and set your Data Type, columns and fields Unique ID which you want to display in Grid ( NOTICE! Columns name should be same as they’re in Database, upper and lower case should be respected ) http://prntscr.com/ino4y9 .

Hi @levon

Yes followed those - It was finding data - I could see via debug inspect on it but it just never loaded anything, I had the multicolour loading lines. I suspect the issue is around filters on the source data but not sure. Couldn’t find any documentation to suggest if it supported advanced filters or not?


It should support any dynamic expression, but if you want to give it another try, after subscribing to the plugin give us access to your app and we’ll try to fix it for you - vlad.betivu@zeroqode.com

Plugin looks great! Two questions:

  1. Is it possible to “pivot” the table so you could have the types of data going down the rows and the periods of data going across the columns? Eg Sales is one row, col A is the title Sales, col B is January sales, C is February sales, etc. Expenses would be another row, etc. Would allow for more intuitive data entry vs a “flat file” format
  2. Can you copy / paste from a spreadsheet (excel/google sheets) into this table into multiple cells at once?


Hi Geoff,
i’m afraid neither is possible right now and we won’t be adding that any time soon.
sorry about that

Hi @levon. Is there a way I can setup the api calls to work on my development version? Right now I’m getting loading bars and a bunch of 404’s when I view the table in development because the api calls aren’t using “version-test”. So the search is using the development database but the call is looking at live. Please advise.

I need the call to be " GET https://appname.bubbleapps.io/**version-test**/api/1.1/obj/my_endpoint"

Hi there,
this all should be taken care of automatically. Did you follow these instructions?

Here are the instructions how to make the plugin work.
Go to your app settings http://prntscr.com/inntef .
Go to API tab and enable option “This app exposes a Data API” http://prntscr.com/inntz1 .
Choose a data table which you’ll use in Editable Grid.
Go to Data > Privacy and choose fields which will be displayed in your grid http://prntscr.com/innwlr .
Go to Editable Grid settings and set your Data Type, columns and fields Unique ID which you want to display in Grid ( NOTICE! Columns name should be same as they’re in Database, upper and lower case should be respected ) http://prntscr.com/ino4y9 .

did you take a look at the demo page?

I’ve followed the instructions over and over and looked at the demo over and over. All I get in dev preview is loading bars and a bunch of failed api calls that are calling the production api…

did you enable the APIs in the settings as it’s explained in the settings?
please show screenshots of all your plugin settings, workflows, api settings etc so we can help you out

Hi @levon, Great plugin. This is a huge time saver. There is one thing I can not figure out. How do I format numbers as percentages and currency? Thanks!

Hi @trarchie
i’m afraid there in way to do that right now, it just shows the contents of database. So a workaround maybe to process the formatting on the database level so that the table shows everything as required.

@levon Ok, Thanks!

One more issue I’m running into, I can’t figure out to to get fields from the User data type to appear in any tables unless the table content is User.

An example syntax I am using is Creator:User:Initials

In this example I have a data type of Defective, Creator is a Built-In field for the Data Type, Creator’s Data Type is User, and I have a field under the User Data Type called Initials.

Am I missing something here?
