Editable Data Table like Excel - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Did you follow these instructions?

Here are the instructions how to make the plugin work.
Go to your app settings http://prntscr.com/inntef .
Go to API tab and enable option “This app exposes a Data API” http://prntscr.com/inntz1 .
Choose a data table which you’ll use in Editable Grid.
Go to Data > Privacy and choose fields which will be displayed in your grid http://prntscr.com/innwlr .
Go to Editable Grid settings and set your Data Type, columns and fields Unique ID which you want to display in Grid ( NOTICE! Columns name should be same as they’re in Database, upper and lower case should be respected ) http://prntscr.com/ino4y9 .

did you take a look at the demo page?


Yes, I have confirmed that all of the Privacy and API settings are correct. I have several tables working perfectly, the issue is only happening with the “Built-In” fields, such as creator. I looked at your demo app, I did not see an example that included a “Built-In” field that linked to another data type.

Can you confirm that it is possible to have a cell display a “Built-In” field that links to another data type, such as CREATOR:USER:XXXX?


Hi there, @trarchie.

Not sure I follow your use case here, sorry but could you please explain what you meant by this:

Cause I updated the demo with built-in fields (Creator and Modified Date) exposed to datatable plugin https://zeroqode-demo-04.bubbleapps.io/editable_grids
which are set in columns, which I believe answers you question that is possible.



It looks like you are having the same issue that I am, the “Creator” column of your table in the example above is blank. I have tried using the the Syntax CREATOR:USER:XXXX (XXXX is the field in the User data type that I want displayed i.e. Full Name) as you said to in a previous post, but the column is always blank. I am not having issues with displaying fields from other datatypes that I have created, its only the built-in “Creator” field that is not working.

In my previous post I was simply asking if you have ever successfully been able to display a field from the built-in “User” datatype in the creator “Creator” column. Based on your example above the answer seems to be no. If this is some thing that could be enabled, this would be a huge help.


Hi there, @trarchie. Sorry for a delayed answer.

We looked through plugin, can say that you cannot display Creator field in the datatable if Creator field is an Object.
In this case Creator is an link to original Creator object, so the plugin can’t parse the info from Object and show you name or other info from Creator.
If you will use creator like a simple text field, this will work just fine.

Zeroqode Team.

Is there a way to force the data grid to refresh without reloading the page? I’m editing an item in the grid with a pop-up, but when the data is saved, the data grid remains static and doesn’t update.

hi @blake1 we could do that as an improvement to the plugin, but not at the moment due to big backlog of tasks.
Sorry about that

Hi there.

I followed the set-up instructions and viewed the demo. I am receiving this error, any ideas on what is causing this?

The plugin Editable Data Table like Excel / element Grid threw the following error: anonymous
L@https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_debug_js/496540ebd341685e1e5d328ae1e2b84002b827abab561ffa38ae1061af8e3333/xfalse/x5:18:450026 (please report this to the plugin author)

Hello @nicolelinnwaibel,

Could you please add support@zeroqode.com as collaborators to your app and specify the page where the plugin is used. In case you will see a notification regarding the limitation of your plan please disregard it we are an agency and can be added to the apps of users on any plan.

Best Regards,
Zeroqode Team

@ZeroqodeSupport Done! It is on page: plan_new_trip


Hello @nicolelinnwaibel,

Please update the plugin to the latest version. Recently we have published an update with bug fixes. Also, please make sure you completed the field “Values for autocomplete” with “Search for Activitiess’s Activity”, in your case.
And in the tab Settings > API, check Activities box under “This app exposes a Data API”, as specified in the documentation.

Once everything will be done the plugin will start working properly.

Best Regards,
Zeroqode Team

Knowing that I followed all the instructions to setup the plugins also the demo,
I am having the exact same problem as @nicolelinnwaibel

Can you help me please.
Thank you

Hello @enriqgarc

Have you tried, uninstalling, and installing the plugin, configuring on an empty page according to instruction steps .

Can you please share more details, like the screenshots, video of your workflow setup, element proprieties, steps to reproduce the issue, etc. so we could help you better?

Thanks for understanding.

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Hello @ZeroqodeSupport

I have already uninstall the plugin and install it again, still not working.
I am sharing with you the screenshots of what I have done to setup the plugin.

thank you for your help,

Hi @enriqgarc,

Thanks for your feedback. Based on provided screenshots, it seems to be configured properly, except this column:


Because as we can see, the appropriate name should be ID:

Please make sure whether you’re using the exact column names as per database, then give it a try again.

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Hi @ZeroqodeSupport,

Thanks for your quick reply.
I have fixed the column, however the table it still not displayed.

This is what I find each time in the Error Bar.


Hi @enriqgarc,

Thanks for feedback. In this case, please add us to your project by going to Settings - Collaboration tab within your editor. Add our support@zeroqode.com account to your collaborator’s list. Also, please tell us your project name and page name where this problem occurs on test.

Note: avoid the warning message regarding plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

We’ll investigate it inside your app and get back to you with a feedback asap.

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

Project: Zender PH
Page Name: Admin User Management

Thank you for your help


Hi @enriqgarc,

We’re reaching out with an update. It seems that this issue is reproducing only when trying to extract data from User table, unfortunately. It can be a Bubble-level blocker, but our development team will investigate. Meanwhile, you can create a separate table in your database and replicate all fields and adjust all settings, so it will make things work. However, we’re going to check whether we can influence on it or not, then come back with a reply on this matter asap.

Best regards,
Zeroqode Team

I have tried to extract data from a different table “Unit” and set up privacy and Data API, however I am still receiving the same error.

Thank you
