Hey Bubblers
we’ve got an exciting plugin for you!
Editable Data Table like Excel - This plugin lets you show your database content to a user in a very friendly and intuitive way (much like excel or airtable)
Here are the instructions how to make the plugin work.
Go to your app settings Screenshot by Lightshot .
Go to API tab and enable option “This app exposes a Data API” Screenshot by Lightshot .
Choose a data table which you’ll use in Editable Grid.
Go to Data > Privacy and choose fields which will be displayed in your grid Screenshot by Lightshot .
Go to Editable Grid settings and set your Data Type, columns and fields Unique ID which you want to display in Grid ( NOTICE! Columns name should be same as they`re in Database, upper and lower case should be respected ) Screenshot by Lightshot .
sorry guys, forgot that plugin settings specify which version of the app to use - live or development. It was set to development and now we changed to live. So this link should be working now https://plugintests.bubbleapps.io/editable_grids (while the version-test won’t)
Hey Rico,
that’s a nice idea but that is something @Bubble should enable for plugin builders Currently we can set the pricing and access only for individual plugins.
Hi levon,
Thank you for your help to implement your plugin on my site. Now that is working I have tested better your plugin and I have a couple of questions/suggestions:
Is it possible to order the data? I have tried to add in the search the ordering but is not working, looks like that every time it loads the data in randomly.
If one of my column is a data time, on the grid is showed the unique id, is it possible to show a different field? In the same way of how we do in the database in bubble.
hello, we have deployed an update that solves the sorting issue, please install the latest plugin version and try again.
Can you show a screenshot about the date time question so we understand what you mean please?
Thanks Levon Terteryan
Founder @ Zeroqode & Bubblewits
This is a great plugin. The only thing is the price of $10 a month is a bit steep at the moment for me. I would love it for $5 a month. I think though that the previous post was correct. If there is a point where you could subscribe to a collection of plugins it might make a big difference.
Amazing to see what is being done on this front!! Bubble continues to power forward.
Sorry for my bad explanation, please find here a image to help you to understand.
ID_Account for me is a “type” but I would like to see some different field of this type and not only the unique ID, is it possible? Is it possible to edit also the value of that?
For me the plugin is good and I would like to keep using always, but also for me is a little bit to expensive 10$ a month, just a friendly tip!
as for the pricing, we are discussing with @emmanuel to enable bundled pricing where for a fixed amount (higher than $10 though) a user could use all our plugins (we currently published 30 plugins and many more will be added) hopefully that would become possible sometime very soon, but most likely after the plugin ecosystem gets out of beta
That would be awesome. I personally set my plugin budget at $5 a plugin so if I can get 6 for $20 a month or something that would be awesome. I think this plugin though has great potential especially given the popularity of Airtable as of recent!!
Hey Alessandro, @aledepi
we have just pushed an update to the plugin to format the dates in a user friendly way (There are a few options on how to do that)
please install the latest version, refresh the browser and give it a try.
@levon Are you continuously updating this plugin? I don’t want to set it up on my site and then find out there are no updates. I don’t mind paying fees as long as there is someone working on it
We do update plugins on as needed basis. Let’s say a critical feature is missing, or a bug is discovered etc. Or we receive a new feature request that we believe others would find useful etc.