Every day, Do a search for Users where lastLogin < Current date time + weeks -1
Schedule API workflow on list of those users, with each workflow sending an email.
Haven’t worked with Loops - maybe you can deal with those users in bulk/batches to save a bit of WU but I wouldn’t bother unless it’s really high user numbers.
You can use a recurring backend workflow to schedule to run once a week. That recurring backend workflow can perform the search
And then have a subsequent step of schedule backend workflow on a list and have that backend workflow send the emails to the users in the list.
In the screen shot above the step 1 make changes to list of users is just for the search, you do not actually make any changes in it. Then the second step of schedule backend workflow on the list will take the result of step 1.
To start the recurring workflow you can put a simple test page for you to start it from.
Your main question has pretty much been covered, but for the sake of engagement you could also set something similar up for database item creation depending on your app. For example, if you had a Twitter clone, you could email users who haven’t posted in the last 7 days. Similar logic but for a more targeted purpose.
Thankyou - the main thing is getting it to trigger. as you mentioned it needs to be triggered initially to run and cant automatically run say every day or every week.
I have a button in an admin panel that schedules an API workflow. In that API workflow, I put any one off actions that need to run for updates e.g setting backend workflows off.