Embedding stripe checkout

I use Stripe for users to make payments. I’d prefer if the users can pay directly within my application rather than navigating to Stripe’s external checkout page in order to make their purchase.

Is this possible? Thanks for any help

Yes it is. You can use the free Stripe.JS plugin to do it, or setup the API yourself. It does come with risks as you are collecting sensitive financial data, so you may want to use the plugin as it has the tokens setup already which help keep your app secure.

You just need to use the Stripe Payment Element for this:

Stripe Web Elements | API Documentation

There are plugins available for this, but it’s simple enough to set up without, if you have some basic JavaScript knowledge, and want more control.

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Stripe has recently enabled users to embed checkout forms on their own website instead of being hosted on a separate page. Embedded form | Stripe Documentation

Since this requires stripe’s JS library to be PCI compliant, not sure how the workings would happen now. Earlier we just used to create a session and navigate the users to an external website. Stripe embeds the checkout form on our page using their library and a secret returned from the Create a Session API. But how to use Stripe’s library on bubble?

@boston85719 @adamhholmes Can you guys help here?

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I have tried embedding the Stripe Checkout onto my app but am struggling with inputting the correct code in the HTML element on my page. Do any of you have experience with that? If so, any chance you could share the code that you entered into the HTML element?

@adamhholmes in your experience is it better to embed the Stripe Checkout or use the Stripe Web Elements?

Thank you everyone for what you have shared.

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