🎉 Exciting New Course Available: Build Advanced AI Plugins in Bubble

:tada: Exciting New Course Available: Build Advanced AI Plugins in Bubble :tada:

Hey Bubblers!

I’m thrilled to share that my new course is now open for Pre-Sale!

If you’re looking to take your Bubble development to the next level, this course is for you! We’ll dive deep into advanced plugin development, exploring how to integrate modern AI, set up custom backends, handle realtime data, and so much more.

:partying_face: Get $50 off and access the full course for only $149 during early access.

Here’s some more information about the course.

Build Advanced AI Plugins in Bubble

What’s Inside?
Here’s a sneak peek at some of the topics we’ll cover in the course:

  1. Bubble Plugin Editor Basics
  2. API Connections
  3. Plugin Actions and Elements
  4. Designing visual / on-page elements
  5. Response Streaming
  6. Coding with Python and JavaScript
  7. Working with LLMs like ChatGPT
  8. Websockets
  9. Real-time Audio Processing
  10. Creating Servers in the Cloud (AWS)
  11. Serverless Functions
  12. Bubble API (data and workflow)
  13. Command-line / Terminal Proficiency
  14. GitHub and Source Control
  15. Writing Code with ChatGPT, Claude, and Cursor AI
  16. Vector Similarity Search
  17. Embedding Models
  18. Infrastructure as Code
  19. Scaling Backends
  20. Using Docker

If there’s a topic not listed here that you’d like to see covered, let me know!

A Sample Lesson

Want a taste of the course? Here’s a sample where I walk through some of the tools and technologies we’ll use to build plugins, giving you a feel for what’s included.

What’s Included

  • Video Lessons
    Over 10 hours of deep-dive video lessons on every topic.

  • Code Samples
    All the code you need to follow along and start building your own versions.

  • Community Access
    Connect with other Bubble developers, ask questions, and learn together.

  • LLM Toolkit Code
    Get access to a library packed with powerful features to use in your own projects.

  • Learning Platform
    The course is hosted on Launchpad, our AI-powered learning platform (screenshot below). We’re building Launchpad to also support more courses in the future.


Who is this course for?
This course is geared toward intermediate and advanced Bubblers who want to get serious about building powerful plugins and integrations.

What do I need to know beforehand?
Familiarity with Bubble will be helpful, but I’ll guide you through everything step-by-step, even if you’re new to coding or plugin-building.

Who’s teaching the course?
Hey! I’m Korey MacDougall. I’m an AI consultant and researcher with a PhD in computational cognitive science, and I founded Launchable AI Inc. to help people and companies apply AI in their work. We work with startups, entrepreneurs, and larger organizations to help them develop and implement AI strategies.

How long do I have access?
Once you buy the course, it’s yours for life. You’ll also be able to download all videos and code.

Can I join now?
Yes, the course is open for early-bird registration! It’s about 1/3 complete, with the remaining material coming in November and December 2024. I’ll also be updating it as new topics and tools emerge.

If you’d like to sign-up for the course, you can head over here: https://launchable.ai/course_bubble_ai_plugins

Happy plugin building!!


How long is the course in terms of total video time?

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Total time will be about 10 hours I think. Currently about 1.5 hours of content available, with more to come every 2 days or so.

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Still on target for 2042? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m honestly looking forward to this. It sounds like exactly what I need.


:rofl: whoops - fixed now