Hey Bubblers!
I’m making a new course called How To Build Custom Plugins For Bubble.
It consists of two modules:
Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript (lessons designed and optimized for No-Code developer, easily understandable);
Build custom plugins with the Bubble editor;
Here some other details:
This course will improve your skills as Bubble developer because you’ll be able to create your own elements, actions to expand your project capabilities.
You’ll learn by watching me building a Bubble plugin (Video+Screen shares)
Bubble Plugin project, with JS source code, will be included in the package
Are you interested? IF YES: what would you love to see in the course? IF NO: any concerns/doubts? Or just not your stuff?
I’m excited to teach this topic, plugins have been tremendously helpful for me, let me know what you think.
Thanks buddy, lessons on fundamentals of JavaScript are very easy to understand for a Bubble developer, but I’m still concerned that people might see them as an obstacle So your feedback is much appreciated!
I would love to see useful scripts in there that can be used in Bubble actions. Example: some APIs require a 2-step approach where the first call finds and retrieves a required token to be used on the second one that finally gives you access
Tayloring your JS lessons for use with frequent “bubbling” is a great idea.
just a thought: in your js basics course, I think it would be great if you would also cover things like accessing elements and overwriting HTML parameters eg setting height and width, etc, and do simple animations. I personally use this a lot when building mobile-first apps (ie. make sure something covers the full height of the screen). (Maybe its already covered - just guessing based on the syllabus…)