Experience Dev For Crypto Project

I have an established anon brand on twitter and have successfully launched 2 NFT projects that are still in operation. I’m looking to develop a website solution to fill a gap in the market.

Looking for someone to have fun with who’s willing to leverage my established brand and operations and branding expertise, while I leverage their nocode development skills to build some cool shit while making some nice money along the way.

Culture fit: conscious communicator (constructive, compassionate, straight to the point), absorbs feedback well (ego in check), hard worker (if you need weekends off, that’s cool, we all got our boundaries, just stop reading here, you reached mine.) strong meme game a plus.

Skill fit: minimum 1 year developing using bubble, 3 years full stack dev experience, solidity development skills a bonus

Economic fit: Ideally you’re willing to have skin in the game (I’m willing to pay well, but I’m also ethical, meaning I’d encourage you to not leave money on the table and negotiate for equity>salary)

Market fit: Some awareness/experience with how blockchains work, what DeFi is, and how NFTs are more than PFPs.

Leave a comment below telling me you sent a DM. DM a 3 sentence intro about where you started, where you are now, and where you’d like to be in the future; and a link(s) to some of your work with an explanation of your contribution to the projects.


  • cnacci

Not interested in talking to an Agency.

I represent an agency that has experience developing these kind of projects. We have both Bubble developers and full stack web3 developers on staff. I’d love to chat with you and see if we can be a fit. Here is a link to my calendly: Calendly - Baylor Bower

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Thank you for the offer, but I should have said no Agencies in my description. I’ll edit it now.

No worries. I’d still like to offer that meeting just to discuss your project and maybe be able to refer you to one of our contacts.

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Curious about why you’re against working with an agency? It might be a little more rare but I’ve heard of agencies taking equity instead of cash if it’s a money thing.

Baylor and the gang have a stunning portfolio.

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I appreciate the kind words! Some agencies ruin the reputation of others. 70-80% of agencies only do template work while we do completely custom builds. To each their own but we definitely want to make sure everyone has a good Bubble experience.


I believe am a great fit for your project as I specialize in building web3 apps using Bubble. I have around two years of Bubble experience and one year of web3 development experience. This experience is made up of writing custom smart contracts and building Bubble Dapps mainly based around NFTs.

Here are a couple of examples of projects I have built using Bubble recently.

You can also visit my portfolio website here for other examples of my past web3 work.

If you think I would be a good fit for your project please reach out to me here or anywhere listed below and we can schedule a call.

Email: contact@jackmorgan.xyz
Discord: jackm#9670

ps. I’m not an agency just a US-based freelancer.
