Experienced freelance Bubble developers required for regular hourly work

Hi everyone!

I’m the co-founder of www.planetnocode.com.

We offer a wide range of Bubble tutorial videos, 1 to 1 coaching and agency development work for our clients.

We’re looking for experienced Bubble developers who are interested in working as freelancers on an hourly rate to help us progress through our growing levels of client work.

We’re hoping to establish strong working relationships for a handful of Bubble developers with whom we can outsource work. Some weeks there may be more work, others might be quieter but if you’re a good fit with us and our clients we hope this can be the start of a long term working relationships.

Initially we’ll assess successfully applicants (to see if we’re a good working fit) with simple UI building from a Figma design in the new responsive engine. But ultimately we’re looking for experienced Bubble all-rounders familiar with backend workflows, API Connector, custom javascript and CSS.

If you think you’re a good fit please DM me through the forum and include:

  • Your name & email address
  • Samples of Bubble projects you’ve worked on
  • Your hourly rate
  • Number of hours a week you’d be available

Please also DM me with any questions.


Hi Matt,

my name is Philipp Längle and I’m a professional Bubble Developer from Germany. I just saw your post on the forum and I’m highly interested.

My information: Philipp Längle / Philipp.laengle107@gmail.com


  1. Memorial platform: www.esinnea.com
  2. Financial/Investment dashboard for Investors to see how their investments are doing once logged in: https://app.financial-group.de

Hourly rate: 27,5 - 37,5 € depending on the quantity of hours
Availability: 20 to 35 hours

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Robin Conn. robinconn@gmail.com. I’m in Tampa Fl

One of my active sites.

If you need more let me know. I am available around 30 hours a week.

I usually charge $30 per hour.

Hi, I’m Cliff and I am a #nocode software developer, start-up founder, and entrepreneur. For the past 3 years, I been working as a bubble developer and coach, sharing my knowledge and passion for building tech products using bubble’s intuitive #nocode platform. I help startups and individuals build, improve and scale their MVPs.

I will love to meet and discuss your project

Here is my portfolio www.fuhcliff.com

Aliyu Muhammad alimmxh@gmail.com

Hello there Matt,
I mainly develop in bubble and specialize in designing responsive bubble pages with over 800 hours of experience and some projects under my belt, I’m looking to start my design portfolio and I’d love to work on projects, I look forward to working with you on the requirements if there are projects available.


  1. Design language system Designblocs.com
  2. CRM management tool Clientdorm.com
  3. (Web app) Equestrian Marketplace https://e-quest.bubbleapps.io/version-test?debug_mode=true

Hourly rate $25 can be negotiated on the job
Availability: 20-35hrs

Hi. I charge 100-150/hour and have been building on bubble for years. Convince me I want to build your project. Availability: 0hrs per week for now

Oh, and I don’t have pretty example sites. You’ll need a designer.



Hi @mattblake ,

My information: Steven, yp6436@gmail.com
Experience: 4+ years, built a platform with team that has 20k+ Users.
My focus: Backend, Integrations.
Hourly rate: $50 -$100 depending on the project.