Expression in Data Privacy issue

Hi all. I’m setting ma database with privacy rule but even when my expression is good, it doesn’t work. I don’t really understand why.
e.g: I have 3 databases: User + Client form + Client
When the User fill the client form, data is send to the “client form database”, then automatically that create a new client in the Client database.

But in my data privacy rules, I want the right user to access only his client list. So I used this expression for “Client database” in Data privacy section: When “this Client’s Creator is The Current User” but nothing happened, nada, nothing has changed. I used different expression and the same. But I thing that the expression I used were the good one.
Please HELP. It drives me crazy until I start laughing maybe I will cry at the end.

SOLVED: I found it. I feel like “Why I didn’t think about it, it was too easy!”. If you met the same problem, make sure to uncheck this box: “View all fields” → Just before or after creating your own privacy rules. I searched for 2 hours °-°

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