Extract from input e.g. domain not working at all

This is kind of a big one it seems, as I’ve tested on another app as well, simply on input and then using text to display the output and the same issue.

For instance, using the type email and component for the domain:

Extracts nothing, same with the top domain…

I’m just about to report as a bug to Bubble. Maybe someone else can confirm this issue so I’m not going crazy, thanks.

Hi there, @luke2… maybe I don’t understand your issue, but the value you entered into the input isn’t an email address, so trying to extract the domain from the “email” isn’t going to return anything. If you enter an actual email address in the input, the expression will work as expected… but again, maybe I don’t know what you mean.


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Ah thanks @mikeloc :man_facepalming:
I was just earlier working with email addresses and then jumped to a freeform style input and it threw me off, didn’t even think about that one, I’ve been so used to it working prior on an earlier feature.

Okay moving onto extract with regex and find & replace. Thanks for clearing the brain fog.

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