Extract ID from video link input as text

I have created a form with text input “Video Link”. When I create a video visual element with type YouTube to show the video it wants the video ID.

It’s a URL so the link does not show due to the error.

Is there anyway to extract the ID from the Video Link? I’ve tried using a Regex (?<=be/)(.*) but when I add it to the above it doesn’t seem to work and gives a warning.

Maybe I’m using the wrong input in the Regex pattern. It’s confusing.

extract with Regex: first item

Brilliant. That seems to work, but is there anyway to add multiple options of regex since the URLs sometimes have different formats?

Ideal to keep a regex that works for all formats. Looks like you want to extract Youtube video ID from the URL

Use this Regex : (?<=v=|v\/|embed\/|be\/)([^&?]+)

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You’re a hero mate thank you!

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