I’m using a floating group as my menu on mobile. When the user clicks the ‘burger menu’ the floating group should appear on the left. However, the floating group appears to be acting like a normal group & it appears after the last group. Any ideas about why this may be happening?
Nice to see hear and see you solved it right away! Would you like to share with others what was the issue, it might help someone in the future “automatically”!
Or the case is not solved for that particular page, on the phone screen?
Yes, are were right, the menu on the mobile it appears on the bottom of the page, as the last element, but if you scroll up and down, the menu element “glitches” and goes to the top.
It seems to be a bug, please submit the report to bubble: Support | Bubble and perahps link this thread to save some time hopefully!
Hope this is ok, and we see each other along the way!