Floating Groups - Scrollable


I am sure someone has run into a similar situation in terms of a scrollable floating group. I did find some articles (IE: A scrollable floating group with a repeating group inside? - @chaostorm)

What I am looking to do, is something similar, but have three section of the floating group: Left Menu, then the body with two separate groups


I have a header at the top of the page which is a floating group as well, so the two floating groups below it technically can’t do attached to Both - only bottom

Is there any way to achieve this? I have been trying and try, but nothing - close to pulling my hair out haha.

Hey Nazar,

Have you tried this approach?

How to Create a Floating Menu that Scrolls (floating group with scroll bar) - YouTube


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Hey Rob!

Thanks for the input!! Yeah, I did take a look at that, but it keeps messing up the placement of the page. So, gotta figure out a different layout or somehow to achieve the above.

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