Flusk support: no answer in weeks, how is it for you?

I’m a paid customer at Flusk and I don’t understand what happens to them, am I the only one having troubles getting replies from support and is this normal at flusk, or a temporary problem?

After an answer from the co-founder that told me he was going to reply “within the end of the week”, absolutely no news from them, even after following-up.

This was one month ago and while my bill keeps getting paid, I still need replies from them to really be able to use the tool.

How is it for you?


pingin @flusk :slight_smile:

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Same here @GammaMat , but luckily we were only testing the product via the free trial. Feel bad for paying customers like you that still cannot get a response. We are just going to move on since clearly they’ve lost interest in supporting the product.

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Thanks for the feedback.
Still no answer after two months and 0 change in the product :confused:

I contacted asking for a full audit for one of my clients months ago and never got a reply :man_shrugging:

Erf :frowning:
As it’s a 2 guy shop, if they have serious disagreement and/or burn out issues, it could explain the situation.
Hope they’re well.

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