Freelancer needed for Beer giftcard app - Stripe and Bubble API focus

Hi, I am looking to hire someone to build a web app that lets customers purchase pre-paid beer gift cards for restaurants and bars using Stripe connect payments. The BUBBLE API must then post the pre-paid $ amount to the restaurants API using a JSON Payload. To achieve this I will need 2 separate website/webapp shown below.

  1. Build an onboarding website/web app using the Stripe connect sign up for new bar and pub locations. This could be done re-using the GitHub code from Stripe for Rocket Rides ( The customer data needs to be stored in the bubble database.

  2. Build the CUSTOMER facing webapp that lets customers add the $$$ via a Stripe check-out with APPLE PAY or GOOGLE pay. This interface must be store specific and configured with the bar owners STRIPE payment ID and the restaurants API.

-The customers will access the site by scanning a bar/pub specific QR code printed on the RFID gift card. The UID # for this RFID card needs to be pushed to the stores API with the $$$ associated with it. I will use this website to create batch QR codes to direct to URL for store with RFID UID# attached. QRExplore | Bulk QR Code Generator

-This bubble app needs to be able to be duplicated for each new bar/pub and unique credentials added for that account when new accounts are onboarded.

The attached docs below show the workflow and high-level concepts.

If you have experience with STRIPE and connecting to API’s with Bubble please comment below or inbox me.

If you think this is too complex for Bubble also please let me know as it will be for enterprise use.

I am based in Sydney so that would be best if we are in the same timezone but not a huge issue if not :slight_smile:

Thanks very much!


Hi Duncan,
I have in the past worked on integrating some very complex APIs with Bubble and have also worked on integrating Bubble apps with Stripe.
I would be happy to build this app out for you, as all that you are wanting done is well within my skill set
Feel free to reach out to me on
Best Wishes and Have a great day,

Hey Andrew,

Thanks for reaching out I have inboxed you so we can set up a call.
