From ICS to database

Hi bubblers!

I’d like my users to be able to put in a ICS url in my app interface, and then that the ICS calendar events to be saved automatically in my database.

I tried to do it with ICS parser Equina plugging but it populates the events info in a RG. To save them into the database I had to change their format from text to dates, which works BUT :slight_smile:
As the data are saved from the RG, it’s not updated when the events change… So my data are not updated…

The question:
Does anyone know how, from the ICS link, I could save and update automatically the calendar events from the link?
(I’m not very at my ease yet with API and bE WF, but I feel it could be a solution…) :slight_smile: Thx a lot

Hi, Johann! Tell me please, how did you manage to convert a text to a date? I use Airbnb Format and it returns me a text, but I need to work with a date in future. Thanks!