Gcs credential? Almighty Dropzone - GCS

I’m a bubble newbie.
I’m trying to upload images to gcs using the almighty dropzone plugin.

I’ve purchased it and set up the workflow, but how do I enter my gcs credentials?

Can I just copy the json verbatim and put it in the gcs credential field in the plugin settings?


Some of the questions on here are nonsense…

why don’t you take the time to try and learn bubble instead of just coming on here without reading anyting and just ask questions?

I think @peekapix101 you purchased one of my plugins … and if it is you will find lots of explanations and videos here https://dropzone-demo.bubbleapps.io/version-test

And when you get stuck - best to email me here lindsay@knowcode.tech

(and to answer your question … you probably do just copy the JSON verbatim) :slight_smile:

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I’m not a big ‘plugin person’

I guess there are those that need them.

Good luck with your plugin stuff.

Some of your posts on this forum are nonsense. Unwarranted and unhelpful.

You’ve come to a post under the ‘Need help’ and ‘Plugins’ category to tell the OP and plugin author you are not a ‘plugin person’ ? I can’t see anybody asking for your opinion on plugins. The OP has correctly posted their question under the correct categories and been given a helpful answer.