Generate List Data from DB

Hello Everyone.
Now, I am facing problem while returning combined Two data using backend workflow so that we can use these data in third party.
There are three relational Data Types, Class and Students, in my bubble app.
Class: {
name: ‘name of class’,
teacher: id of teacher data type,
students: [id of student1, id of student2, id of student3]

Student: {
name: ‘name’,
age: ‘age’,
gender: ‘man’,
address: ‘address’

Now, I want to export Data like below Type:
class: {
name: ‘name of class’,
teacher: ID of teacher data type,
{name: ‘name1’, age: ‘age1’},
{name: ‘name2’, age: ‘age2’},
{name: ‘name3’, age: ‘age3’},

Please help me. How to do this in backend workflow?
Thank you.

check out the 1TCSV creator plugin, it might work for your use case

Thank you for your reply.
But, I am not going to generate CSV file.
I want to export Data as API.

Sorry, typically people use the concept of export data as exporting data via CSV and not for use as values available for API calls.

You should look at the Bubble manual at the section about API and your data.

Oh, Sorry for my explain.
I don’t want to export Data, want to return object as above one.
Is it possible in bubble?
Thank you.

yes, just need to know what it is that you are wanting to do.

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