Get Number of followers of Instagram Profile


My goal is very simple. I want to extract the numbers of followers of a profile based on their username. A few months ago “[Username]/?__a=1” was still working with the API connector, but at this moment it doesn’t anymore. Working with the Instagram API is to much hassle for something as small as this, that has worked in the past. If you just use “[Username]/?__a=1” in the browser, it returns all info that it is needed, however, the return value seems to be HTML and not JSON which it was before.

Has someone an idea on how to convert this HTML to JSON, or just an easier method to get the number of followers?


Hi @klaas.vanhoeck1, did you find any solution or answer to your issue ? It would definitely help me as well !

Check this solution I posted: How to get general Instagram information without using the Graph API


Hi @klaas.vanhoeck1 ,

How could it be possible to scrape the results of the # of followers out of the link? I put in a username into the link and the # of followers is provided. However, I don’t know how to get that back into bubble. Any ideas?

Within the results:
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