Getting elements value into an HTML element

I am trying to get the value of an element into an HTML element so I can display it.

Whenever I try to get the element’s value into the HTML element I just get access to its height and width. How can I get the value?


I know what you say you are trying to do, but give us some background on what you are actually doing? What kind of data?

You can’t use a TEXT field’s value, as it does not have that capability. However you CAN you an INPUT (and disable the actual input ability), and then you can use the INPUT.VALUE option.

But again, what are you trying to get in there, and why an HTML element?


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@troy.roberge , thank you for the quick response! This is my first post and I’m really happy to see what an active and engaged community bubble has.

You made me realize I was selecting the text I was using as a title and not the input; dumb mistake! Thanks for helping to realize this.

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lol, good stuff. Always give plenty of info and we can do our best.

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