Google Directions API

Hi, so i’ve been successful with several API’s (through much trail and error) but this one seems to have stumped me. - Basically trying to pass a list of “sites” to the API (including their address) to have them optimized, then sent back with their waypoint order.

As it stands now, all i can do is pass the orgin, destination and waypoints (site addresses only) to the API (with no ID number or anything to track which address belongs to what site), and even then i’m only just getting the orgin and destination back, but not any of the waypoints for the “route”, let alone anything but “0” in the waypoint_order field.

Has Anyone had experience with this API? Oh and FYI i’ve also tried the “GoogleMaps Extended” plugin which does seem to route the sites out on the map with the optimized order and such, but the problem there is that i don’t need them on a map, i just need the list of “sites” i passed to the plugin to be returned in the correct order… it mentions that it should return data in the waypoint_order field, but i can’t figure out where to pull that data from… even the plugin’s custom states doesn’t show waypoint_order as an option :confused:

Any help at all is appreciated, thanks!

The Google Maps Extended plugin does not output the waypoint order. I was able to extract the waypoint order using the following plugin: Google Maps Directions & Tracking.

It outputs the waypoint order in a text string. I’m admittedly having difficulty then sorting the RG using this string output.