Google Oauth 401 message

Hello guys,

Is there something specific with Google when making a API call using OAuth ?

I can connect to spotify without any problems but it seems not to work with Google/Gmail.

I tried this & got the 401 error message :

Although, it works very well with the free Calendar Plugin

(NB: I also tested with “Authentication goes in the header” & Authorization Bearer but KO too)

… and all requests are OK in Postman.
Seems weird :wink:

Actually, I am trying the way described here :

But I would appreciate some help if you know a better solution !
thanks !!!

Arf… I finally solved it :slight_smile: So simple but tricky !

For the ones with the same problem (as I didn’t find the answer anywhere) :

Don’t forget to put the userprofile in the scope you request. If not done, you get the 401 because you’re not authorized to land on the userprofile :

In my case, I added
to the initial scope (
with between scopes

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Man, you saved my life, thank you so much for your post!

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