Group confusion

Hello bubblers.

Being new to bubble, I’m hoping someone can help me get past some confusion. I have basic familiarity with data types, privacy rules, and repeating groups.

I’m trying create a simple repeating group that lists items that are specific to the current user.
For example; A user creates a golf bag by taking a picture of each of their clubs and provides some descriptive information about each club. I created a page called “golf bag” that contains a repeating group that shows the user’s clubs in a list.

I have the clubs data type set up with a fields to store the image and club name.

Can someone run down the element properties and privacy rules needed to show only the current user’s clubs?

Does the clubs repeating group need to be nested in a group with a user data type or is this all handled in the privacy settings?

What is the best method to test it?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

do a search (golf clubs) (created by = Current user)

doing this, will show only the clubs this person created

If you want to allow other people to create, you should add a field “Owner”(type User) inside the Golf clubs type.

now, about privacy, it depends on how you want it to work, if you really want to make it secure, add a:
When this golf club’s owner is Current user (then allow everything)
When this golf club’s creator is Current user

and below this you have the option to allow what will be visible for people out of this rule

Thank for the reply. That makes sense. I’m starting to see the light. I should be able to work it out from there. :slightly_smiling_face:

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