Group visible set to no is still visible

Hello guys!

I’m so :thinking: with this:

I’ve a RG containing a hidden group (details) on page load. If I click on the “arrow” icon, the group become visible. Until there everything is fine.

Then when I change go to the next page of RG, this details group is still visible, and this is not what I want. I want it to collapse.

So I used this method : Making elements in a repeating group visible after hiding - #5 by eli to hide it.

This method should work, I can see in the debuuger that the group is set as visible : no but it’s still visible (I also try with no content within it), what I don’t understand.

I should miss somethin ? or bug ? thank for helping

Hello, Sarah,

Thanks for the post! Happy to help with this one. Would it be possible to email us at with the link to the page in question and how you’re navigating through it to see this in your screenshot/the debugger?

Hey Jess! Nice to see you there!

Yes, I will. Thanks a lot for helping with this issue


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