I have a page that I called Daily Sheet. The goal of this page is to make my user fill out a “form” of a fleet of vehicles each day. Each day, an operator goes around all the vehicles (the number of vehicles varies from one company to another). Each vehicle has a name. All vehicles must be checked on different mandatory control points (brakes, tires, lights, …).
I created this form in a popup.
In this popup, I have inputs for the date, the start time of the check, the end time, the name of the controller, … And I also planned to find all the vehicles (with their name) in a repeating group (but maybe this is not the right solution). For each vehicle, I will find my slidersinputs to indicate the brake condition rating, tire condition, …
I have a daily log database that includes the following points:
- General comment: text
- Controller: employee
- Date: date
- start time
- end time: date
- Company parameter: company parameter
- vehicle parameter: vehicle parameter
- Route: list of vehicle parameter
- day manager: text
- signature: text
I have a vehicle evaluation database with:
- brakes: number
- tires: number
- seat belt: number
- comment: text
- daily log: daily log
- vehicle parameters: list of vehicle parameters
- photo: file
- lights: number
I have a button to save my data.
The problem is that I can’t create the workflow or the process for creating the daily log that includes each of the notes for each of the checkpoints for each vehicle.
Every day I have to have a new sheet to record with all the vehicles and all the notes.
Can someone help me? I’ve been stuck for days or even weeks!