Has anyone successfully installed Google Analytics 4?

Hi all,

I’ve been trying to install GA4.
1.I’ve downloaded the plugin and copied the measurement ID into the right box. I left it for 48 hours and nothing. I did push my site live and still nothing
2.I’ve copied and pasted Google’s recommended header code into the Page HTML field in the page dialog box, being careful to copy and paste Google’s measurement ID into the right places, then I pushed the site live again, and still nothing.

People seemed to have had spotty success with this which seems strange given how basic this is and how many people would want to do it.

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong ?



@ben21 I set it up in my app a couple of days ago by pasting the global site tag to Settings > SEO / metatags > Script/meta-tags in header

Before GA4, I had used @bubble’s default GA plugin, but I assumed GA4 would break it, so I removed the plugin, went the manual route, and copy/pasted the tag myself.

While everything works fine on the GA website and data populates as it’s supposed to, I did notice GA4 had broken integrations with two mobile apps which had been connected to the account previously, which is pretty frustrating.


Thanks for posting this, managed to get it working this way too :+1:

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@dantidmas88 You are welcome! Glad to hear it worked for you.

Hi there,

Not sure if I did something wrong but I’ve been struggling to get GA to work on bubble at all. I’ve tried the method above - removing plugin and using the script in header in settings to paste the code.

It’s literally just clicking a few buttons on the GA side right? Is there any specific settings you have to follow? This is driving me crazy!

Just an update - I’ve managed to get it to work by completely deleting the data stream and starting over with a new measurement id. Only using the header code, no plugin.

It may be that I’ve previously put the old measurement id in the plugin and it somehow made a connection. I’m not very technical so I 'm not sure!


That’s what I had to do too. Delete the existing plugins and start over with a new G-Tag.

I had a lot of teething issues and figured out it was to do with Single Page Applications & GA4. I made this plugin after a lot of research - happy to give everyone on this thread free usage for their app to try it out - GA4 - for Single Page Apps Plugin | Bubble

Just ping me with the app name so I can authorise it.

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Can someone give a step by step solution on how to get this to work for steps on Bubble adn Steps on Google?

Also, I don’t see this: Settings > SEO / metatags > Script/meta-tags in header

Thank you,


A few people are reporting that the SEO /Metatag thing going missing (it hasn’t for me, I checked a free and paid for app). I suspect that is a bug that Bubble will fix :slight_smile:

There is a lot of information here on how to setup GA4 https://ga4-page-view-demo.bubbleapps.io/version-test Even if you don’t use the plugin there is a lot of info on how to setup GA4, best practices, how to debug, etc - relevant to any GA4 setup.

Thank you for that!
Although I found this video that is very easy to follow and gives a step by step solution on
1- how to implement GA4 on your app
2- how to implement Tag Manager on your app for custom events

In case anyone is looking for this as well!

Happy App Building